US – #WeeklyAddress August 7 – 13: New Trump campaign targets media as “enemies” of the White House

Below are the most notable incidents regarding threats to press freedom in the US during the week of August 7 – 13. A separate statement on the incidents that took place at this weekend’s protests in Charlottesville is forthcoming:

Trump re-election campaign targets “enemies,” including members of the media

President Trump released a re-election campaign advertisement on Sunday, August 13, calling out the media for attacking and obstructing the president’s efforts. “The President's enemies don't want him to succeed, but Americans are saying, 'Let President Trump do his job,'" the ad said, including video clips and photographs of journalists and his other “enemies.” White House Correspondent April Ryan responded to the ad, which was published a day after the Charlottesville protests turned fatal: “Sad day I am singled out as an enemy of the White House as this racial hate is going on just for asking real questions and speaking truth.”

Trump calls out the “#Fake News” on Twitter

President Trump took to Twitter early on Monday, August 7, accusing The New York Times of being “totally inept” and calling several media outlets “#Fake News.” These tweets came amid complaints from Trump that the media is not doing an adequate job reporting on his successes. In an afternoon tweet, Trump wrote: “How much longer will the failing nytimes, with its big losses and massive unfunded liability (and non-existent sources), remain in business?According to The Times’ second-quarter report, which was released on July 27, The New York Times Company saw one of its strongest quarters in recent years, with a rise in digital advertising revenue and online subscriptions.

Trump took questions from the press four times in two days

After almost six months without a press conference, President Trump made himself available to the press four times on Thursday, August 11, and Friday, August 12, in Bedminster, New Jersey. Prior to this, Trump had not held a press conference since February 16, and rarely took questions from the White House press corps. On Friday, Trump promised a “pretty big press conference” for Monday, August 14, though his public schedule for Monday shows no mention of a press conference.

ABC pays historically large sum to settle defamation lawsuit

ABC News paid at least $177 million to settle a defamation lawsuit earlier this summer. The payment, which was included in a financial release from its parent company, Disney, that was just made public, is related to a years-long dispute between the network and South Dakota-based meat processor Beef Products Inc. BPI sued ABC for more than $1 billion over the network’s 2012 reporting on BPI’s “lean finely textured beef product,” which ABC said critics refer to as “pink slime.” While the report made clear that the product was not unsafe to eat, BPI said it negatively affected their business. $177 million is likely equal to about a year’s worth of ABC’s evening news program’s advertising revenue, according to CNNMoney. Dan Webb, an attorney for BPI, told CNN this will be the largest amount ever paid in a U.S. media defamation case.

Eric Bolling sues Huffington Post reporter who covered sext scandal

Fox News host Eric Bolling has sued the Huffington Post reporter whose reporting he claims led to his suspension. After Yashar Ali, a contributing writer for the Huffington Post, reported that Bolling sent lewd text messages to his female colleagues, Bolling was suspended from the networkpending the results of an investigation, which is currently underway.” The investigation is being conducted for Fox News by the law firm Paul Weiss. Bolling filed a summons Wednesday in New York Supreme Court against Ali, seeking $50 million for defamation. Bolling accused Ali of trying to harm his reputation through his “highly reckless publication of actionable false and misleading statements about the plaintiff’s conduct and character.

Coal executive makes headway in defamation lawsuit against John Oliver, NYT

In the midst of an ongoing legal battle with The New York Times, HBO, and HBO host John Oliver, coal executive Bob Murray won some small victories this week. A federal judge in the Northern District of West Virginia agreed with the Murray Energy Corp. CEO’s motion to move the case from federal to state court, and denied The New York Times’ request to dismiss the case. The lawsuit argues The Times, HBO, and HBO host John Oliver wrongfully accused Murray of violating safety rules in his coal mines, focusing on the 2007 mining disaster that Murray says was caused by an earthquake, but that federal officials blame on him. The suit stems from a June episode of “Last Week Tonight” during which Oliver criticized Murray and his company, and an April New York Times editorial that said Murray “falsely insisted” the 2007 incident was caused by an earthquake.

Austin Tice turns 36 in his fifth year in captivity in Syria

August 14 marks five years since American freelance journalist Austin Tice was taken captive in Syria. Just days before, on Friday, August 12, Tice’s family and the international community celebrated his 36th birthday by sending him messages to be opened upon his release. Tice was spending the summer in Syria reporting on the budding civil conflict for news outlets including The Washington Post and McClatchy when he was captured in 2012. He is the last U.S. journalist still held abroad.

The United States ranks 43rd out of 180 countries in RSF's 2017 World Press Freedom Index after falling 2 places in the last year.

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Read next: RSF condemns the violent assaults on journalists covering Charlottesville protests

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Updated on 15.08.2017