Reporters Without Borders website accessible in China for first time since 2003 / 从2003年至今,网民首次可以从中国登陆无国界记&…

Reporters Without Borders learned today that its website (, which has been blocked in China since 2003, can now be accessed at the Olympic press centre in Beijing and in other parts of the capital, and in Shanghai.

Reporters Without Borders learned today that its website (, which has been blocked in China since 2003, can now be accessed at the Olympic press centre in Beijing and in other parts of the capital, and in Shanghai. The tests we conducted this morning show that access to the websites of other international human rights organisation and foreign news media has also been unblocked both inside and outside the press centre as a result of protests by foreign journalists accredited to cover the Olympics. “This is good news, of course, but it continues to be unacceptable that the Chinese government can decide, according to its mood, which websites are censored and which are accessible,” Reporters Without Borders said. “And how long will these sites be available to the 253 million Chinese Internet users, who continue to be subject to massive online censorship?” The press freedom organisation added: “This partial lifting of censorship shows that the Chinese government is not completely insensitive to pressure. If the entire world had been pressuring China since 2001, even before these games were assigned to Beijing, the situation might have been different today. And perhaps imprisoned journalists would have been freed before the opening ceremony. Foreign journalists at the press centre in Beijing found late yesterday that they were able to access Amnesty International's website. The BBC's site, including its Chinese-language version is also accessible. But it is still impossible to access the websites of the Falun Gong spiritual movement or Tibetan organisations. A live online news conference organised today by Students for a Free Tibet on its website was not accessible in Beijing. The independent news websites Tibet Post International and Boxun could not be accessed from within China either. A search for the keyword “Boxun” on the Chinese-language ( and English-language versions of Google within China yielded no results. The Chinese-language version of the Reporters Without Borders website ( is also still blocked, as is the website of Chinese Human Right Defenders ( Advice for foreign journalists covering the human rights situation in China was posted on the Reporters Without Borders website on 30 July. List of websites accessible both in and outside the Beijing press centre at 1015 GMT today: - BBC : - BBC chinese : - RSF (Chinese-language version only inside press centre) : - Amnesty International : - Human rights watch : List of websites inaccessible both inside and outside press centre: - - - ------------------- 从2003年起被禁止在中国登陆。据无国界记者所知,今天(8月1日),赴北京奥林匹克新闻中心、北京其他地点和上海的特派记者可以在中国登陆无国界记者网站。据8月1日上午无国界记者测试显示,在特派记者们的抗议下,曾经不能在中国登陆的其他国际人权组织及国外媒体的网站,今天可以在奥林匹克新闻中心以外的地点登陆。 无国界记者称,“这当然是条好消息,不过,中国政府任意行事,随便阻止登陆某些网站的做法实在难以令人接受。在拥有两亿五千三百万网民的中国,这种严密控制信息、禁止浏览网站的政策还能持续多久呢?目前,部分网络开放的政策证明中国政府对外界压力并非毫不理睬。如果世界各国自从2001年北京获得奥运会承办权以前就开始行动的话,今天的情况可能会完全不同。被囚记者在开幕式前或许会被释放。 2008年7月31日,在北京媒体中心的记者可以登陆国际大赦组织的网站和包括中文版在内的BBC网站。但是仍然无法浏览宗教组织法轮功和西藏独立组织的网站。 8月1日,由某支持西藏独立的学生组织举办,面向外国记者的网上新闻发布会在北京仍无法看到。独立新闻网站“西藏国际邮报”和“博讯”网站在中国境内仍被封禁。在“谷歌”中文站和“谷歌”网站上,搜索关键字“博讯”的结果竟是“无法找到”。无国界记者中文版(和中国人权捍卫者组织的网站(仍然无法浏览。 7月30日,无国界记者公布了一组给外国记者的建议,用以报道中国的人权状况(。 查询有关中国信息查禁的关键数字请登陆 查询更多内容请登陆
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Updated on 20.01.2016