Reporters without borders thanks the American Iranian community for its support

Reporters Without Borders would like to express its heartfelt appreciation to the organisers of the charitable function held in San Francisco on 23 January in support of our campaign to help Iranian journalists who have had to flee their country. Thanks to the efforts of Firuzeh Mahmoudi of United4Iran, journalist and cartoonist Nikahangh Koswar, members of the Kiosk's group, human rights activist Parviz Dhokat and others, several dozen people attended the event, at which Iranian entertainers performed and all profits went to Reporters Without Borders. Iranian community activists intend to organise similar events in other US cities. Reporters Without Borders is very grateful to the San Francisco function’s donors and participants. To support Reporters Without Borders’ efforts on behalf of Iranian journalists:,34929.html
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Updated on 25.01.2016