Blogger’s letter from prison

Reiterating its appeal to King Bhumibol Adulyadej to pardon nine bloggers (see the 4 December press release:, Reporters Without Borders today published a letter written by one of the jailed bloggers, Suwicha Thakor, from prison. In the meantime, the request for a pardon submitted by Suwicha has mysteriously disappeared from his official file. Suwicha was given a 10-year sentence on 2 April 2009 on a charge of lese majeste although there was no evidence against him and he never posted anything at all about the king. Reporters Without Borders is very disturbed to learn that Suwicha has been fired by the company he worked for, Brandt, which apparently seems to have raised virtually no questions about the charges brought against him. Suwicha’s letter of 5 December:
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Updated on 20.01.2016