











Dear [Name of Candidate],

I am writing to ask you what you plan to do to defend the First Amendment, freedom of the press, and the fundamental rights of journalists to practice their profession freely in what has become an increasingly hostile environment for information and news providers.

The United States, which enshrines press freedom in the First Amendment of its Constitution, is currently witnessing a drastic decline in media freedom. On June 28, one of the most horrific attacks on press freedom in the United States occurred when five employees, including four reporters, were killed at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. According to the US Press Freedom Tracker, which comprehensively documents press freedom violations in the US committed by national, state, and local authorities as well as private individuals, 33 journalists were arrested, 43 were physically attacked, and 15 seizures of journalists’ equipment occurred in 2017. In one of these incidents, Rep. Greg / physically assaulted a Guardian journalist the night before his state’s election. While covering the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, journalists were impersonated on social media, impeding their ability to accurately investigate the facts and disseminate information which could be vital to preventing a similar tragedy. This hostility towards the press not only risks compromising the American public’s right to be informed through journalists’ reporting, but can also degrade the public’s trust in the media itself.

This is not a partisan issue; it is a fundamental right that impacts every American no matter their politics. Journalism is at the crux of our democracy, and communities everywhere rely on journalists to provide them with information that is essential to their daily decision-making processes. It was local investigative journalist Curt Guyette who broke the story about Flint, Michigan’s lack of access to clean water in 2014, prompting years of class-action lawsuits, protests, and subsequent federal assistance to the city in order to try to resolve the crisis. Reporters Megan Twohey, Jodi Kantor, and Ronan Farrow publicized sexual assault allegations against influential Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in 2017, leading to the ubiquitous and powerful #MeToo movement which brought decades of sexual abuse and harassment across multiple industries to light.

Yet freedom of the press in the US is currently in dire need of congressional support. It is our civic duty as one of the world’s leading democracies to uphold principles that support and protect the rights of journalists so that they may hold those in power accountable and ensure an informed and engaged community.

If you are elected, what do you plan to do to protect this utterly essential component of our democracy? What are your plans to protect the public’s right to be informed through a free and independent press?

[Your name]


Hello, my name is _______ and I am from [city, state].

I’m calling to let you know that [candidate/representative]'s stance on freedom of the press is extremely important in my decision to vote. I feel that this is not a partisan issue, but a fundamental right that impacts every American no matter their politics.

I have become increasingly concerned with the growing climate of hostility for journalists in this country, and I would like for [candidate/representative] to publicly address what they will do to defend press freedom if [he/she] is elected.

Thank you.


Freedom of the press is suffering in the US. @[yourcandidate] if you are elected to serve in Congress, what are your plans to protect journalists and our right to be informed? Will you #DefendPressFreedom?

Democracy depends on a free and independent press and its ability to hold those in power accountable. [@yourcandidate] will you take measures to protect journalism and the First Amendment? Will you #DefendPressFreedom?

In June, four reporters were murdered in an appalling targeted attack on the Capital Gazette and freedom of the press. [@yourcandidate] what will you do to address the growing threat to journalists in this country? #DefendPressFreedom

Press freedom is in steady decline in the US. I want my representative to defend the work of journalists as well as my right to be informed. [@yourcandidate] if you are elected what will you do to protect a free press? #DefendPressFreedom


Journalists play a crucial role in our democracy by keeping us informed and holding those in power accountable. And yet in the US, attacks on journalists are becoming more common, undermining the media's role and creating opportunities for government overreach, the erosion of press freedom, and impeding our right to be informed. I’m contacting my candidates and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. Join me at

A free press is essential to our democracy. Communities everywhere rely on journalists to report on our government’s actions and hold public figures accountable, providing us with the information we need to make decisions every day. And yet physical, verbal, and online attacks against journalists in the US are increasing at an astonishing rate. I’m contacting my candidates and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. You should too. Read more at

Press freedom is declining in the US at an alarming rate. Physical, verbal, and online attacks against journalists have increased drastically in the last two years. As the US midterm elections approach, we must remind our congressional candidates that journalists play a crucial role in our democracy by keeping us informed and holding those in power accountable. I’m contacting my representatives and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. Join in and help me spread the word at


Stay updated on #DefendPressFreedom

* indicates required












Dear [Name of Candidate],

I am writing to ask you what you plan to do to defend the First Amendment, freedom of the press, and the fundamental rights of journalists to practice their profession freely in what has become an increasingly hostile environment for information and news providers.

The United States, which enshrines press freedom in the First Amendment of its Constitution, is currently witnessing a drastic decline in media freedom. On June 28, one of the most horrific attacks on press freedom in the United States occurred when five employees, including four reporters, were killed at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. According to the US Press Freedom Tracker, which comprehensively documents press freedom violations in the US committed by national, state, and local authorities as well as private individuals, 33 journalists were arrested, 43 were physically attacked, and 15 seizures of journalists’ equipment occurred in 2017. In one of these incidents, Rep. Greg Gianforte physically assaulted a Guardian journalist the night before his state’s election. While covering the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, journalists were impersonated on social media, impeding their ability to accurately investigate the facts and disseminate information which could be vital to preventing a similar tragedy. This hostility towards the press not only risks compromising the American public’s right to be informed through journalists’ reporting, but can also degrade the public’s trust in the media itself.

This is not a partisan issue; it is a fundamental right that impacts every American no matter their politics. Journalism is at the crux of our democracy, and communities everywhere rely on journalists to provide them with information that is essential to their daily decision-making processes. It was local investigative journalist Curt Guyette who broke the story about Flint, Michigan’s lack of access to clean water in 2014, prompting years of class-action lawsuits, protests, and subsequent federal assistance to the city in order to try to resolve the crisis. Reporters Megan Twohey, Jodi Kantor, and Ronan Farrow publicized sexual assault allegations against influential Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in 2017, leading to the ubiquitous and powerful #MeToo movement which brought decades of sexual abuse and harassment across multiple industries to light.

Yet freedom of the press in the US is currently in dire need of congressional support. It is our civic duty as one of the world’s leading democracies to uphold principles that support and protect the rights of journalists so that they may hold those in power accountable and ensure an informed and engaged community.

If you are elected, what do you plan to do to protect this utterly essential component of our democracy? What are your plans to protect the public’s right to be informed through a free and independent press?

[Your name]


Hello, my name is _______ and I am from [city, state].

I’m calling to let you know that [candidate/representative]'s stance on freedom of the press is extremely important in my decision to vote. I feel that this is not a partisan issue, but a fundamental right that impacts every American no matter their politics.

I have become increasingly concerned with the growing climate of hostility for journalists in this country, and I would like for [candidate/representative] to publicly address what they will do to defend press freedom if [he/she] is elected.

Thank you.


Freedom of the press is suffering in the US. @[yourcandidate] if you are elected to serve in Congress, what are your plans to protect journalists and our right to be informed? Will you #DefendPressFreedom?

Democracy depends on a free and independent press and its ability to hold those in power accountable. [@yourcandidate] will you take measures to protect journalism and the First Amendment? Will you #DefendPressFreedom?

In June, four reporters were murdered in an appalling targeted attack on the Capital Gazette and freedom of the press. [@yourcandidate] what will you do to address the growing threat to journalists in this country? #DefendPressFreedom

Press freedom is in steady decline in the US. I want my representative to defend the work of journalists as well as my right to be informed. [@yourcandidate] if you are elected what will you do to protect a free press? #DefendPressFreedom


Journalists play a crucial role in our democracy by keeping us informed and holding those in power accountable. And yet in the US, attacks on journalists are becoming more common, undermining the media's role and creating opportunities for government overreach, the erosion of press freedom, and impeding our right to be informed. I’m contacting my candidates and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. Join me at

A free press is essential to our democracy. Communities everywhere rely on journalists to report on our government’s actions and hold public figures accountable, providing us with the information we need to make decisions every day. And yet physical, verbal, and online attacks against journalists in the US are increasing at an astonishing rate. I’m contacting my candidates and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. You should too. Read more at

Press freedom is declining in the US at an alarming rate. Physical, verbal, and online attacks against journalists have increased drastically in the last two years. As the US midterm elections approach, we must remind our congressional candidates that journalists play a crucial role in our democracy by keeping us informed and holding those in power accountable. I’m contacting my representatives and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. Join in and help me spread the word at


Stay updated on #DefendPressFreedom

* indicates required






  • 由公民社会建立和管理,以确保完全独立于政府和私营公司;
  • 根据“信息与民主国际宣言”赋予明确使命;
  • 具备必要手段评估信息通信空间的规范与架构、拟定给所有关系人的建议、促进具体解决方案的实施,并维持信息的独立、多元与可靠。







Dear [Name of Candidate],

I am writing to ask you what you plan to do to defend the First Amendment, freedom of the press, and the fundamental rights of journalists to practice their profession freely in what has become an increasingly hostile environment for information and news providers.

The United States, which enshrines press freedom in the First Amendment of its Constitution, is currently witnessing a drastic decline in media freedom. On June 28, one of the most horrific attacks on press freedom in the United States occurred when five employees, including four reporters, were killed at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. According to the US Press Freedom Tracker, which comprehensively documents press freedom violations in the US committed by national, state, and local authorities as well as private individuals, 33 journalists were arrested, 43 were physically attacked, and 15 seizures of journalists’ equipment occurred in 2017. In one of these incidents, Rep. Greg Gianforte physically assaulted a Guardian journalist the night before his state’s election. While covering the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, journalists were impersonated on social media, impeding their ability to accurately investigate the facts and disseminate information which could be vital to preventing a similar tragedy. This hostility towards the press not only risks compromising the American public’s right to be informed through journalists’ reporting, but can also degrade the public’s trust in the media itself.

This is not a partisan issue; it is a fundamental right that impacts every American no matter their politics. Journalism is at the crux of our democracy, and communities everywhere rely on journalists to provide them with information that is essential to their daily decision-making processes. It was local investigative journalist Curt Guyette who broke the story about Flint, Michigan’s lack of access to clean water in 2014, prompting years of class-action lawsuits, protests, and subsequent federal assistance to the city in order to try to resolve the crisis. Reporters Megan Twohey, Jodi Kantor, and Ronan Farrow publicized sexual assault allegations against influential Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in 2017, leading to the ubiquitous and powerful #MeToo movement which brought decades of sexual abuse and harassment across multiple industries to light.

Yet freedom of the press in the US is currently in dire need of congressional support. It is our civic duty as one of the world’s leading democracies to uphold principles that support and protect the rights of journalists so that they may hold those in power accountable and ensure an informed and engaged community.

If you are elected, what do you plan to do to protect this utterly essential component of our democracy? What are your plans to protect the public’s right to be informed through a free and independent press?

[Your name]


Hello, my name is _______ and I am from [city, state].

I’m calling to let you know that [candidate/representative]'s stance on freedom of the press is extremely important in my decision to vote. I feel that this is not a partisan issue, but a fundamental right that impacts every American no matter their politics.

I have become increasingly concerned with the growing climate of hostility for journalists in this country, and I would like for [candidate/representative] to publicly address what they will do to defend press freedom if [he/she] is elected.

Thank you.


Freedom of the press is suffering in the US. @[yourcandidate] if you are elected to serve in Congress, what are your plans to protect journalists and our right to be informed? Will you #DefendPressFreedom?

Democracy depends on a free and independent press and its ability to hold those in power accountable. [@yourcandidate] will you take measures to protect journalism and the First Amendment? Will you #DefendPressFreedom?

In June, four reporters were murdered in an appalling targeted attack on the Capital Gazette and freedom of the press. [@yourcandidate] what will you do to address the growing threat to journalists in this country? #DefendPressFreedom

Press freedom is in steady decline in the US. I want my representative to defend the work of journalists as well as my right to be informed. [@yourcandidate] if you are elected what will you do to protect a free press? #DefendPressFreedom


Journalists play a crucial role in our democracy by keeping us informed and holding those in power accountable. And yet in the US, attacks on journalists are becoming more common, undermining the media's role and creating opportunities for government overreach, the erosion of press freedom, and impeding our right to be informed. I’m contacting my candidates and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. Join me at

A free press is essential to our democracy. Communities everywhere rely on journalists to report on our government’s actions and hold public figures accountable, providing us with the information we need to make decisions every day. And yet physical, verbal, and online attacks against journalists in the US are increasing at an astonishing rate. I’m contacting my candidates and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. You should too. Read more at

Press freedom is declining in the US at an alarming rate. Physical, verbal, and online attacks against journalists have increased drastically in the last two years. As the US midterm elections approach, we must remind our congressional candidates that journalists play a crucial role in our democracy by keeping us informed and holding those in power accountable. I’m contacting my representatives and encouraging them to defend press freedom during their midterm election campaign. Join in and help me spread the word at


Stay updated on #DefendPressFreedom

* indicates required






信息与民主委员会于2018年9月11日召开首次会议,由无国界记者(RSF)秘书长德洛瓦(Christophe Deloire)和诺贝尔和平奖得主艾巴迪(Shirin Ebadi)共同担任主席。







这份六页长的文件发布于2018年11月5日,在公共空间已全球化、数字化和动荡不安的时代,提出对信息自由、独立、多元和可靠的民主保证 [至此阅读宣言]。



  • 序言:全球信息通信空间--人类的公共财产
  • 原则
  • 建立信息通信方式、架构和规范的实体
  • 媒体与新闻
  • 迈向信息与民主的国际架构









联合国教科文组织秘书长阿祖莱(Audrey Azoulay)、欧洲理事会秘书长亚格兰(Thorbjørn Jagland)及联合国秘书长古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)也在这场活动中表态支持。






马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)


索尔贝格(Erna Solberg)


萨勒(Macky Sall)


埃塞卜西(Beji Caïd Essebsi)


特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)


阿尔瓦拉多(Carlos Alvarado)



得益于无国界记者的信息与民主计画,这份协议于纽约完成签署,为全球在线信息通信空间的民主保证措施之实行开路。 [阅读合作协议]




在法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)的倡议下,委员会的宣言启动政治程序,并于2019年8月在比亚里茨获得G7的一致支持后送交联合国大会。



无国界记者倡议部主管费里雍(Thomas Friang)表示,“论坛的管理原则将保证其独立性,并确保政府、网路平台和媒体等所有关系人都能加入讨论,以推动适当形式的监管和自律。”



  • 南非
  • 德国*
  • 安道尔*
  • 澳洲
  • 贝宁*
  • 保加利亚*
  • 加拿大
  • 智利*
  • 韩国
  • 哥斯达黎加*
  • 克罗地亚*
  • 丹麦*
  • 芬兰*
  • 法国*
  • 印度
  • 意大利
  • 拉脱维亚
  • 黎巴嫩
  • 列支敦斯登 *
  • 立陶宛*
  • 马耳他*
  • 黑山*
  • 挪威*
  • 荷兰
  • 捷克*
  • 塞内加尔
  • 西班牙
  • 瑞典*
  • 瑞士*
  • 突尼斯 *
  • 英国




“信息与民主论坛”此独立的国际组织将集合政府、公民社会、媒体与数字平台,彻底讨论监管与自律解决方案以确保数字时代的民主防护措施。此为无国界记者(RSF)所领导的信息与民主国际计画其中一部分。 [论坛网站在此]



  • 评估全球信息通信空间的工具、规范与架构
  • 调查平台是否遵守合作协议的原则及其实行情况
  • 为政府和互联网服务供应商(即数字平台)拟定不具约束力的建议,藉由规范或良好实务管理此全球空间
  • 促使此空间的行动者提出自律解决方案
  • 就资讯产业中可行的商业模式提出支持性解决方案和前瞻性政策建议,以维持新闻业的存续






  • 加入“信息与民主合作协议”的国家将收到改善全球信息通信空间管理建议。
  • 互联网服务供应商将收到如何执行管控或根据合作协议原则启动自动管控的建议。 
  • 媒体组织将得知论坛提出的所有政策建议(管控/自动管控),以提出意见并就相关建议的对应实施计划提供其观点。
  • 其他非政府组织和公民社会总体将参与论坛的程序,特别是评论建议及关系人实施建议的情况。




  • 给公共决策者的政策建议原则与保障措施。
  • 给私部门(平台与媒体)的自律标准与最佳实务。
  • 促进和推广论坛建议的相关计画及解决方案。
  • 论坛的年度政策报告,其监看项目如下:
    • 全球信息通信空间的工具、规范与架构;
    • 平台遵守合作协议原则的状况;


  • 信息与民主论坛成立 - 2019年11月12日
  • 召集将参与论坛活动的关系人。
  • 在信息与民主国际委员会的参与下制定工作计划
  • 由不同领域的国际专家组成第一批工作小组。论坛常设秘书处将协助其工作。
  • 在2020年底前筹办第一次年度全体会议,召集所有关系人检视建议和承诺。




在新冠肺炎流行期间,虚假或遭到操弄的信息持续在网上扩散,信息与民主论坛发表题为“如何终结信息传染病”(How to end infodemics)的报告。该报告以国际专家提供的100多份意见为基础,就如何遏制威胁民主和人权(包括健康权)的现象提出250项建议。

信息与民主论坛于2019年由11个非政府组织和研究中心共同发起,并于6月成立信息传染病工作小组,负责设计“监管架构”以应对在线平台和社群媒体上的信息混乱现象。该小组由瑞萨(Maria Ressa)和沙克(Marietje Schaake)共同担任指导委员会主席,在五个月的工作后发表一份详尽报告,其中包含250项给政府和数字平台的建议。 

这份由Delphine Halgand-Mishra带领的报告人团队所撰写报告指出四项结构性挑战,并对各项挑战提出具体解决方案: 

  • 平台透明度
  • 内容审核
  • 推广可靠新闻资讯
  • 私人传讯服务

在6月26日的多边主义联盟会议上,论坛主席德洛瓦向近50位外长介绍工作小组,许多联盟成员国在会中表达自己的支持,世界卫生组织秘书长谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)和联合国教科文组织秘书长阿祖莱也出席这场会议。


德洛瓦表示:“资讯混乱对我们的民主体制构成致命威胁,这份报告证明结构性解决方案可终结此情况。所有采取立法措施管制平台者都应遵循这份报告的指引,无论是印度的第79条、美国的第230条、加拿大的《数字宪章》(Digital Charter)、英国的《在线危害法》(Online Harms Bill),当然还有欧盟的《数字服务法》(Digital Services Act)。”





  1. 透明度要求应与公共资讯生态系统中所有平台的核心功能相关联:内容审核、内容排名、内容比对及建立社会影响力。
  2. 负责执行透明度要求之监管机构应具有强健的民主监督和稽核程序。
  3. 对违规行为的制裁可包括巨额罚金、以横幅形式强制宣传、执行长连带责任及行政制裁,如禁止进入某国市场。


  1. 平台应遵循一套依据国际人权法的内容审核人权原则:合法性、必要性和相称性、正当性、平等和零歧视。
  2. 在营运的不同司法管辖区内,平台应承担与广播机构相同的义务确保多元性。例如自愿公平原则。
  3. 平台应增加审核员人数,并将最低百分比的收益用于提高内容审核的质量(尤其是在处境危险的国家)。


  1. 数字架构与软体工程的安全及字质量标准应由数字标准执行机构负责执行。信息与民主论坛可就该机构的运作方式展开可行性研究。
  2. 应禁止平台出现利益冲突,以避免信息通信空间受到商业、政治或任何其他利益的支配或影响。
  3. 应依据“新闻信任计画”等自律标准界定共同监管架构,以推广公益新闻内容;并应增加阻力以减缓潜在有害的病毒性内容传播。


  1. 应限制某些功能,以采行措施限制误导性内容的病毒式传播;选择是否要接收群组讯息的功能,以及打击大量传讯和自动化行为的措施。
  2. 应要求互联网服务供应商更妥善地告知使用者所收到信息的来源,尤其应标示已转发的信息。
  3. 应加强使用者通报非法内容的机制,以及遭禁止使用服务时的上诉机制。


  • Maria Ressa(共同主席):记者、菲律宾调查网站Rappler执行长。 《时代》杂志2018年度风云人物。信息与民主委员会成员。
  • Marietje Schaake(共同主席):前欧洲议会议员(2009 - 2019)。现任史丹福网路政策中心(Stanford Cyber Policy Center)国际政策主任及网络和平研究所(Cyber Peace Institute)所长。
  • Sinan Aral:麻省理工学院管理、行销、信息科技和资料科学David Austin教授、麻省理工学院数位经济计画(IDE)主持人、Manifest Capital创始合伙人。 《宣传机器》(The Hype Machine)一书作者。
  • Julia Cagé:民主与媒体主题畅销书的作者。巴黎政治学院经济学助理教授、公共政策科际整合评鉴实验室(LIEPP)“评鉴民主”研究小组共同负责人。专攻发展经济学、政治经济学和经济史。
  • Ronald Deibert:多伦多大学孟克全球事务与公共政策学院政治学教授兼公民实验室主任。 OpenNet Initiative和Information Warfare Monitor计画的共同创始人和首席研究员。
  • Camille François:Graphika创新长,带领公司进行侦测不实资讯与媒体操弄并减轻其影响的工作。曾任Jigsaw首席研究员。
  • Roukaya Kasenally:African Media Initiative执行长。毛里求斯大学媒体与政治体系副教授。非洲可持续民主选举研究所(Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa)主席。
  • David Kaye:前联合国促进和保护意见及表达自由权特别报告员。加州大学尔湾分校法学院法律临床教授。
  • Edison Lanza:律师、泛美人权委员会(Inter-American Commission on Human Rights)前言论自由特别报告员。曾领导及创立多个非政府组织捍卫表达自由权。
  • Roger McNamee:《Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe》一书作者、科技创业投资家。 Elevation Partners创始合伙人。 Facebook前投资人。
  • 村井纯:庆应义塾大学特聘教授。庆应义塾大学网络文明研究中心(Cyber Civilization Research Center)共同负责人。日本大学UNIX网络(JUNET)和WIDE计划创始人。被誉为“日本互联网之父”。
  • Peter Pomerantsev:记者、作家和电视制作人。伦敦政治经济学院全球事务研究所客座资深研究员。约翰霍普金斯大学Agora Institute资深研究员。
  • Julie Posetti:国际记者中心(International Center for Journalists)全球研究总监。曾任路透新闻学研究所资深研究员及新闻创新计画(Journalism Innovation Project)主管。
  • Anya Schiffrin:前记者、哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院科技、媒体与传播专业主任、国际与公共事务学院讲师。
  • Vivian Schiller:阿斯本研究所(Aspen Institute)的Aspen Digital计画执行总监。 NPR前总裁兼执行长、Civil Foundation创会执行长。无国界记者美国分部董事。
  • Wolfgang Schulz:洪堡互联网与社会研究所(Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society)所长。汉堡大学法学院信息与通信学科讲师。 Hans-Bredow Institut理事会成员。
  • Christopher Wylie:资料科学家,也是举发剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)和Facebook的吹哨者。名列《时代》杂志全球百大影响力人物和《富比世》30位30岁以下杰出人物(30 Under 30)。畅销书《Mindf*ck 心智操控【剑桥分析技术大公开】》(Mindf*ck: inside Cambridge Analytica's plot to break the world)作者。


一般问题:计画专员 Camille Grenier(cgrenier(a)

媒体联系:Pauline Adès-Mével - (padesmevel(a) - 07 82 37 23 12)

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